Last week, I missed my first birth and I was devastated.
I’m naturally an empath and think of myself as a really good problem solver but this was just the perfect storm that I couldn’t make work.
Enter the guilt. I felt so bad for not being able to be there (even though we’d already discussed contingency plans since I knew I was traveling close to baby’s due date) and I could feel myself going into a space where I was trying to force something that just wasn’t meant to happen.
Then I remembered that, like I tell my mamas, the body already knows what to do. I’m grateful for my friend, sister and fellow doula @vanyacamille and the supportive relationship that we have built over the past few months (thanks @thelola_women!) because there was no hesitation when I asked her to step in to support my laboring mama. Little did she know, she was supporting me as well ✨
There are many times where I think I can do it all alone. Because I-N-D-E-P-E-N-D-E-N-T. Then life happens and I’m humbly reminded otherwise. Doula work can be exhausting and emotional, but building community makes it so so sweet.