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Growing up in Georgia, comprehensive sex education was virtually nonexistent in schools, but surprisingly, we did have a couple days of science-based sex education (with some conservative, Bible belt undertones, of course) when I was in middle school. We took a field trip to the Fernbank Science Center (I still love that place!), separated by sex, and learned about puberty, fallopian tubes, zygotes, and periods.⁣⁣
I’ll be honest though, the bulk of what I learned about sex came from sneaking and watching porn during my adolescent years. ⁣⁣It wasn’t until fairly recently that I realized just how much those white male dominated narratives presented themselves in my own perceptions of what it meant to give, receive, and experience pleasure. Not to mention the lessons that I accepted around “ideal” body shape, size, and even body hair! The lies of capitalism and patriarchy can be pervasive AF, y’all.⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣
I digress.⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣
I’m grateful for spaces (and partners!) that have allowed me to explore, learn, challenge, and re-write narratives about sex, bodies, and pleasure. Please allow this to be that space for you.⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣

Where did you first learn about sex? Did you have sex education in school? Did you learn about pleasure from that same source? I’d love to hear your experiences below!⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣
📷: @theklabel + model: @alxgaliero